1,300+ Uncommon Knowledge Hypnosis Scripts for Practitioners

1,300+ Hypnosis Scripts from Uncommon Knowledge

Subtle, metaphor packed Ericksonian hypnotherapy scripts with pre-hypnosis chat and naturalistic inductions, written by professional hypnotherapy trainers Uncommon Knowledge.


Our hypnosis scripts are written with the hypnotherapist in mind. Subtle language techniques, careful rhythm and pacing, deep metaphors and artful analogies all go to make a hypnosis script that will give you, the hypnotherapist, new and elegant ideas for how to help your clients.

Each script contains pre-hypnotherapy chat, often laden with reframes and therapeutic suggestions followed by the hypnotherapy script itself. The scripts have been professionally edited and annotated with suggestions for emphasis, timing and rhythm – you can see an example on the scripts pages below. All the scripts are prepared in Adobe Acrobat (pdf) format and are easily printed out.
(If you’re looking for our hypnosis audio sessions, they’re here.)

Clear Thinking newsletter – ideas for therapists

Because as therapists, we’re all looking to further our abilities to help our clients, Uncommon Knowledge publishes a fortnightly newsletter with therapeutic ideas for therapists. These short articles are designed so that you can use the ideas they contain with your very next client. You can subscribe using the box on the right.

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by category

Use the drop-down menu below to view hypnosis scripts by category.

Hypnosis Scripts Library

The Hypnosis Downloads scripts library is the largest collection of Ericksonian hypnotherapy scripts in the world. Every script comes with pre-session chat and is formatted with rhythm and emphasis. The scripts are in PDF format.

Addiction Help Hypnosis Scripts

Adrenaline Addiction

Withdrawal from Alchohol

Coffee Addiction

Overcome Addictive Personality

Chewing Tobacco Addiction

Chocolate Addicts

Cocaine Addiction Treatment

Overcome Alcohol Abuse

Drink Less Wine

Overcome Energy Drink Addiction

Gym Addiction

Overcome Fear You’ve Done Something Wrong

Overcome Food Addiction

Gamble Less

Stop Playing Games

Coming Off Heroin

Addiction to the Internet

Stop Stealing

Overcome Laxative Abuse

Masturbation Addiction

Sensible Alcohol Consumption

Improve Your Emotional State

Less News

Addicted to Nicotine?

Compulsive Checking

Compulsive Cleaning

Benzodiazepine Addiction

Stop Using Marijuana

Ecstasy Addiction

Meth Addiction Recover

Money Addiction

Are You a Music Addict?

Staring OCD Treatment

Overcome Catholic Guilt

Stop Selfie Addiction

Painkiller Addict

Have Fun without Alcohol

Porn Addiction

Obsessive Body Focus

Compulsive Shopping

Addicted to Slot Machines

Overcome Smartphone Addiction

Focus on Local Friends

Stay Stopped Drinking

Stop Hoarding

Fall Out of Love with Alcohol

Stop Doom Scrolling

Stay Out of the Sun

Cancer Treatment Support Hypnosis Scripts

Stay positive with Cancer

Cancer Pain

Waiting for Cancer Test

Help for Chemotherapy Appetite Loss

Reduce Nausea from Chemo

Radiation Treatment Support

Fear of Cancer Recurrence

Needle Fear Hypnosis

Anti Aging Hypnosis Scripts

Age Gracefully

Enhance Your Flexibility

Overcoming Hair Loss

Male Fear of Aging

Fear of Getting Old

Fall Phobia Elderly

Old and Alone

Natural Dementia Treatment

Longer Life


Natural Face Lift

Stroke Movement Recovery

Post-Stroke Speech Training

Turn Back the Clock

Anxiety Treatment Hypnosis Scripts

Overcome Anticipatory Anxiety

Social Eating Comfort

Where’s the Bathroom?

Scared of Court

Find Peace Amid Existential Worries

generalized anxiety treatment

Freedom from Harm OCD

Stage Fright Musicians

No Reply to Message

OCD Hypnosis

Get Rid of Fear and Anxiety

Lump in the Throat

Performance Anxiety

Adult Separation Anxiety

Stage Fright

Waiting for Results

Nervous Urination

Cold Feet

Bad Habits Hypnosis Scripts

Break Bad Habits

Perform a Digital Detox

Stop Blinking Too Much

Eye Lash Plucking

Stop Lip Biting

Stop Chewing Ice

Eliminate Cheek Chewing

Hair Pulling Disease

Relax Your Jaw

Cure Nail Biting

Stop Picking Your Nails

Stop Nervous Grinning

Leave Your Nose Alone

No More Scratching

Stop Picking

Stop Thumb Sucking

Children’s Hypnosis Scripts Hypnosis Scripts

Kids’ Self Belief

Fear of Bugs

Bullied as a Teen

Children of Divorced Parents

Soothe Easily Upset Children

Handling Insults for Kids

Hypnotic Bedtime Story

Improve Concentration Children

Learning Confidence for Kids

Healthy Eating for Kids

Anxiety in Children

Losing a Grandparent

Children: Death of a Parent

Kids – Social Exclusion

Learn to Stand Up for Yourself

Encourage Kids to Try New Things

Kids Fear of the Dark

Children Having Nightmares

Cope with Pet Loss

Kids Be Friendly

Help for the New Kid In School

Excluded from Party Invitation

Reduce Math Anxiety

Anxious Teen

Practice Your Instrument

Help Kids Read More

Kids’ Reading Self Belief

Kid Refusing School?

Fear of School

Overcome Selective Mutism – Kids

Build Kids Self Esteem

Talk About Troubles Kids

Shy Child

Children Confidence in Class

Kids Bed Wetting

Stop Thumb Sucking

Child Tantrums

Clinical Hypnotherapy Hypnosis Scripts

Self Image

Had No Children

Cope with Disfigurement

Decondition the Cult’s Effects

Easier Swallowing


Reduce Noise Sensitivity

Stop Being Hypervigilant

Misokinesia Relief

Sound of People Chewing

Bed Wetting

Stop Cutting Yourself

Overcome Stammering

Forget Troubling Childhood

Unwanted Child

Communication Skills Hypnosis Scripts

Be more assertive

Be More Interesting

Comedy Genius

Tactful Talking

How to Break Bad News

Enjoying Chatting

Don’t Be Boring

Improve Email Clarity

Express Your Opinion

Stop Rambling


Navigate Difficult Conversations

Develop People-Reading Skills

Be a Flexible Speaker

Listening Skills

Master small talk

Meet New People

Nervous Talking

Enhance Your Voice

Reading Aloud

Stop Umming and Ahhing

Develop a Powerful ‘No’!

Clear Speaking

Defend Yourself

Apologize Less

No More Arguments

Stop Being Defensive

Be Less Sarcastic

Reduce Complaining

Pathological Lying

Don’t Swear

Don’t Forget Words

Always Giving Advice?

Don’t Be a Gossip

Stop Butting In

Don’t Overshare

How to Stop Ranting

Stop Showing Off

Get Listeners Hanging on Your Words

Think Before You Speak

Dealing with Difficult People Hypnosis Scripts

Help for Gaslighting

Energy Vampire Shield

Dealing with Aggressive Behavior

Dealing with the Passive Aggressive


Deal with the Backstabber

The Control Freak

Backstabbing Gossip


The Know It All

Dealing with Emotional Leeches

Moody Person

Dealing with Criticizers

The Shy Type

Verbal Judo

Depression Self Help Hypnosis Scripts

Antidepressant Withdrawal Symptoms

Feel Happier in Winter

Leaving Home Depression

Living with Depressed Husband

Living with Depressed Wife

Coming out of Depression

Managing Manic Depression

You’re Not a Bad Person

Overcome Reverse Seasonal Affect Disorder

Emotional Intelligence Hypnosis Scripts

Stop Worrying About Being Liked

Accept Things

Manage Your Anger

Know Your Own Mind

Be More Kind

Be Less Proud

Everyday Blues

Settle in to a New Place

Enjoy Your Birthday

Too Empathic?

Learn to Control Your Emotions

Cry During Arguments?

Overcome Guilt

Coping with Rejection

Detach from Fear

Stop Feeling Ashamed

Express Your Emotions

Be More Loving

Feeling Like a Failure

Forgiving Yourself


Get In Touch With Your Emotions

Recover from an Injustice

Happy Where You Are

Addictive Personality

Feel Better Now!

Boost Your EQ!

Let Go

Relax About It

Spare Your Blushes

Green Eyed Monster

Overcome Greed

Life Dissatisfaction

Frustrated by Technology?

What Parents Expect

Parentified as a Child

Respect Your Family

Dealing with Prejudice

Overcome Road Rage

Reserve Expectations

Be Less Cynical

Don’t Be Grumpy

Be More Flexible

Reduce Triggers

Expect to Succeed

Let Go of Resentment

Dealing with Survivor Guilt

Stop Being Too Serious

Enjoy Life Hypnosis Scripts


Party Hard!

Through the Eyes of a Child

Your Life’s Passion

More Fun

Life’s a Journey

Live In The Now

How to Love Life

What Does It All Mean?

Stop Regrets

Say Yes!

Get Travelling!

Live in the Moment

Use Time Wisely

Change Your Life!

Experience Sound



Supercharged Taste

Try New Things

My Life Story

Fears and Phobias Hypnosis Scripts

Fear of Crowds

Overcome Bird Phobia

Overcome Needle Phobia

Overcome Snake Phobia

Fear of Spiders

Overcome Dental Phobia

Overcome Driving Test Nerves

Fear of Wasps

Overcome Fear of Being Late

Overcome Fear of Being Punished

Overcome Fear of Being Stared At

Overcome Fear of Belly Buttons

Scared of Boats?

Bridge Briving Phobia

Fear of Cancer

Feline Fear

Scared of Change?

Overcome Fear of Choking

Relax Around Clowns

Fear of Large Groups

Fear of Dying

Relax with Doctors

Four Legged Foes?

Phobia of Driving

Overcome Fear of Driving on Motorways

Beat Elevator Fear

Problems with Emotions?

Escalator Phobia

Ease Failure Phobia

Overcome Fear of Fainting

Fear of Slipping

Fear of Fighting

Be Calm in Airplanes

Overcome Fear of Food

Anesthesia Phobia

Overcome Fear of Bacteria

You’re Not Crazy!

Fear of Responsibility

Ease Height Phobia

Overcome Hospital Phobia

Overcome Fear of Humiliation

Fear of Laughter

Overcome Fear of Losing Yourself

Fear Of Loud Noises

Scared of Mistakes?

Overcome Mice Phobia

Fear of Missing Out

Fear of Numbers

Others Being Sick

Fear of Photography

Long Range Planning

Scared of Being Poor?

Overcome Fear of Public Bathrooms

Fear of Buses

Get Over Fear of Rollercoasters

Relax about Sharks

Fear of Terminally Ill

Seek Success

Overcome Fear of Technology Failing

Fear of Terrorism

Darkness Phobia

Phone Phobia

Being Touched by Others

Fear of Travel

Fear of Being Attacked

Fear of Vomit

Fear of Water

Fear of Girls


Heart Attack Fears

Overcome Infection Obsession

Overcome Learner Driver Anxiety

Nervous Passenger

Panic at Night

Fear of Fragrances

Fear of Showers

Anxiety in Exams

Fear of Crime

Fear of the Police

Thalassophobia Treatment

Enclosed Spaces

Burglary Trauma

Overcome Panic

Fear of Technology

Be Calm in New Places

Overcome Fear of War

Fun Hypnosis Hypnosis Scripts

Hypnotic Ski Run

On Cloud Nine

Happy Days

History Compressed

Enjoy a Hypnotic Bubble Bath

Hypnotic Treasure Hunt

Enjoy a Hypnotic Vacation

Laugh Out Loud

Space Trip

Magic Carpet Flight

Undersea Journey

Take a Wider Perspective

Walk in Space

Grief and Loss Hypnosis Scripts

Deal with Grief

Losing a Child

Grief over Parent’s Death

Pet’s Death

Moving Out

Overcome Fear of Losing Loved Ones

Overcome Fear of Losing a Loved One

Emotional Balance at Funerals

Heal Moral Injury

Time Heals Everything

When a Friend Stops Talking to You

Cope with the Loss of a Patient

Overcome heartbreak

Guilty About Nursing Home

Loss of a Loved One

Growth Zone Hypnosis Scripts

Health Issues Hypnosis Scripts

Heartburn Relief

Adrenal Fatigue

Treating Anismus

Help for Aphantasia

Asthma Symptoms

Immune System Booster

Keep Calm During Endoscopy

Terminally Ill Caring


Hypnotic Hives Treatment

Teeth Brushing

Contact Lenses – Relax

Cool Down Hot Flushes

Cope with Chronic Illness

Hypothyroidism Help

Support for COVID Recovery

Crohns Disease Treatment


Cope with Difficult Medical Diagnosis

Itchy Skin?

Soothe Inflammation

Multiple Sclerosis

Muscle Spasticity Relief

Raynauds Syndrome

No More Tension Headaches

Natural Endometriosis Treatment

Essential Tremor

Heal Faster

Rapid Burn Healing

Boost Your Immune System

Relieve Crawling Skin

Ease Migraine Headaches

Adjust to Going Gluten Free

Beat Hangover Symptoms

Pollen Allergy

Making Healthier Choices

Sensitive Hearing

Soothe Psoriasis Symptoms

Narcolepsy Treatment

IBS Treatment

Short-sightedness Hypnosis

Improve Posture

Jetlag Treatment

Urge Incontinence

Beat Hypertension

Fear of Mammograms

MRI Scan

Treating Muscle Spasm

Getting Natural Herpes Treatment

Natural Indigestion Remedy

Overactive Bladder

Fear of Illness

Overcome Pap Smear Test Anxiety

Parcopresis Treatment

Relax the Pelvic Muscles


Pre Menstrual Syndrome

Poor Circulation


Persistent Postural-Perceptual Dizziness

Surgery Preparation

Reduce Autoimmune Symptoms

Manage Parkinson’s Symptoms

Ease Constipation

Remember to Take Your Medication

Restless Legs

Easier Needles

Don’t Notice Perfumes/Colognes

Public Urination

End Knuckle Cracking


Facial Twitch

Mouth Breathing

Stop Popping Spots


Retrain Your Tongue

Help for Atrial Fibrillation

Take Care of You

Heal Well

Tinnitus Treatment

Tourette’s Treatment

TBI Recovery

Overcome Travel Sickness

Vulvodynia Hypnosis

Treat Warts

Healthy Eating Hypnosis Scripts

Anorexia Eating Disorder

Control Bulimia

Hydrate Yourself

Eat More Fruit and Vegetables

Weight Gain

Gluten Free Diet

Orthorexia Hypnosis

Compulsive Eating Disorder

Eat More Foods

Reduce Salt Intake

Fewer Fizzy Drinks

How to Love Cooking

Hypnosis Scripts Packs Hypnosis Scripts

Increase Social Confidence

Anti-aging Hypnosis Pack

Learn How to Be Assertive

Make Women Like You More

Don’t Be So Pessimistic Pack

Keep Your Composure

Become Persuasive Scripts

be true to yourself

Beat Fear and Anxiety Pack

Better Thinking Skills Pack

Be More Courageous

Progress Your Career Scripts

Stress Management Techniques

Dating Help Pack

emotional control

Difficult People Hypnosis

moderate alcohol intake

stop drinking wine

heal after a relationship ends

Be Confident About Your Appearance

Feel Good Pack

Winter Happiness

Be More Socially Capable

Heal the Past

Heal Your Marriage

Having Hypno-Fun

Improve Productivity

Cure Insomnia

Low Self Esteem Pack

Improve Sexual Performance

Stop Uncontrolled Anger

Stop Spending

Mindful Hypnosis

Your New Baby and You

Renew Yourself Hypnosis Pack

overcome misophonia

prevent panic attack

Overcome Social Anxiety Series


Motivate Yourself Now

Positivity Power Pack

Scared of Presentations?

Confidence Course

Relationship Rescue Pack

Success Preparation Pack

personal development

sleep better

cool down blushing

You’re Not Inferior!

Obsessed with Sex?

Successful Studying Pack

Bring Success

Total Fitness Motivation Pack

Complete Focus Hypnosis Pack

Weight Manager Pack

Hypnotherapist Courses Hypnosis Scripts

Cataleptic Arm

Automatic Writing

Improve Your Hypnosis

Hypnotherapy Confidence

Mouth Anaesthesia

Handling Resistance

Numb your Hand

Your Hand Floats!

Hypnosis Induction

Psychologist Burnout

Time Distortion

Interpersonal Skills Hypnosis Scripts

Accept Compliments

Jumping to Conclusions

Approaching Women

Stop Being an Attention Seeker

Overcome a Poor First Impression

Better Friend

Appear Friendlier

Speak Less Harshly

Stop Being Critical

How to be more attractive to men

Learn How To Attract Women

Charismatic Personality

Be More Popular

Instant Rapport

In Your Face?

Problems with the In-Laws

Stop Feeling Intimidated

Let Go of Grudges

Taking Things Personally?

Don’t Be Taken for Granted

Look at People More

Authority Figures

Be Connected

See Yourself Through Others’ Eyes

Say Sorry Properly

Say You’re OK

Increase Your Social Circle

Be Confidence with Introductions

In Touch with Friends

Be Less Challenging

Negativity Shield

Empathize Better

Ease Confrontation Phobia

Take Care of Yourself

Set Boundaries

Be More Smiley

Men – Speed Dating

Women – Speed Dating

Handle THAT Person

How to Stop Being a Bully

Stop Being Self Centered

Passive Aggressive

Break Free from People-Pleasing

Job Skills Hypnosis Scripts

Ask for a Raise

Pay Attention to Detail

How to Deal with a Bad Boss

Be a Better Manager

Be a Better Writer

Be A Leader

Relax in Meetings

Be More Influential

Be a Self Starter

Proper Professional

Relax in Front of the Camera

Be Punctual

Fear of Interviews

Networking Skills

Change Jobs

How to Choose a Career

Stand up to your Boss

Delegating Authority

Crying When Angry

Don’t Play Office Politics Games

Stressful Job

Enjoy Paperwork

Get More From Your Job

Unfinished Goals?

New Job

Presenting without Preparation

Typing Speed

Coping with Job Loss

Job Search Perseverance

Make Your Mind Up

Deadlines Meeting

Feel Low on Monday?

Time Management Tips

Cope with a Poor Performance Review

Powerful Presentations

Pre-Presentation Nerves

Public Speaking Fear

Handling Difficult Presentation Questions

Time Off Work?

Be a Super Seller

Presentations Without Notes

Quality Team Player

Teleselling Confidence

Work Less

Bullying In The Workplace

Learning Help Hypnosis Scripts

Academic Performance

Classroom Attention Booster

Beginner’s Mind

Confident Debating

Worry About Dyslexia

How to Enjoy Studying

Spelling Help

Absorb Languages

Playing a Musical Instrument

Quick Choreography Learning

Speed Learning

Fast Learning from a Pro

Easier Music Memory

Method Acting Technique

Perfect Pitch

Peoples’ Names

Remember What You Read

Going Back to School

Read Faster

Study Motivation

Motivation and Inspiration Hypnosis Scripts

Reach Your Potential

Do Something About It!

Give it Another Go

Internal Motivation

Think You’ve Failed?

Try Your Hardest

Keep Moving Forward

Get An Energy Boost

Great Expectations

Get Your Mojo Back

How to Get Your Mojo Back

Fix It!

Keep Hope for the Future

Maintain Long-Term Motivation

Have a Fantastic Tomorrow

More Energy!

Job Motivation

No Excuses

Business Promotion

Increase Your Motivation

Self Promotion

Start Your Own Business

Will You Get Permission?

Ambition Booster

Level Up!

Create Big Goals

You Can Do It

Pain Relief Hypnosis Scripts

Relief fromArthritis

Manage Chronic Pain

Regional Pain Syndrome

Support for Post Catheter Healing

Fear of Pain

Reduce Fibro Pain

Thaw that Frozen Shoulder

Relieve Hip Pain

Knee Pain Relief

Ease Myofascial Pain

Heal Neuropathic Pain

Hypnosis for Pain

Phantom Limb Pain

RA Hypnosis

Shingles Relief

TMJ Pain

Parenting Skills Hypnosis Scripts

Be an Assertive Parent

Coping with Your Child’s Mental Illness

Patient Childcare

Relax with Baby

Kids Left Home?

Enjoy Being Mum

Stop Being a Guilty Parent

Parenting Teenagers

Losing Custody

First Time Dad

Confident New Parent

More Than Your Parents

Feel Less Guilty Parents

Less Protective Parenting

Cope as the Parent of a Drug Addict

Irritation with Kids

Play More

Single Parenting

Parenting a Special Needs Child

How to Support Your Bullied Child

Team Family

Anxious Watching Child Perform

Kids – Worry Less

Personal Development Hypnosis Scripts

Travel Into the Future

Be in the Moment

Lose Self Consciousness

Be More Balanced

Feel More Grounded

Increase Maturity

Increase Resourcefulness

Develop Self Reliance

Learn from the Stoics

Be the Change You Want to See

Unlock Your Authenticity

Choose to Be Your Best Self

Adopt Traits You Admire

Being Alone

Comfort Zone

Manifest Your Reality

Improve Your Creative Confidence

Develop Empathy

Build a Morning Routine

Be Authentic

Develop Self Compassion

Turn Problems into Opportunities

Love House Work

Get Outside Your Comfort Zone

Locate Misplaced Items

Your Real Self

Relax Your Expectations

Loving Your Self

The Artist Within


How to Overcome Learned Helplessness

Live Your Values

Home Alone

Coping with Uncertainty

Comeback Kid

Fear of Discomfort

Making Changes

Personal Growth

Life Planning

Self Re-Invention

Retirement Confidence

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

Listen, Don’t Fix

Be Strong

Too Intellectual

Use the Quiet Power of Introverts

Advice from the Unconscious

Personal Finance Hypnosis Scripts

Be Debt Free

Be Frugal

Charge Realistically

Deal with Financial Loss

Foreign Currency Trading

Shame Over money

Scared of Being Rich

Overcome Fear of Spending Money

Financial Planning Mindset

Financial Worries

Cope with Investing Regrets

Make Balanced Financial Decisions

Millionaire Thinking

Overcome Materialism

Save Your Money

Impulse Buying

Professional Trader

Personal Fitness Hypnosis Scripts

Motivate Yourself to Exercise

Get Down the Gym!

Build Stronger Muscles

Hate Exercise?

Sit Less

Do More Walking

Personal Productivity Hypnosis Scripts

Improved Work Ethic

Be More Productive

Write Better Stories

Improve Creativity

Do It Now

Focus on One Thing

Don’t Get Sidetracked

Get Back to It!

Organizational Efficiency

Get Your Book Published

Improve Your Focus


Clear Roadblocks

Never Give Up

Achieve Your Goals

Do More Reading

Remember Your Phone

Learn Self Discipline

Stop Being Lazy

No More Procrastination!

Stop Sabotaging Yourself

Watching Too Much TV?

Get that Book Out

Write a Lot

Complete Your Dissertation

Write Freely Again

Writing Lyrics

Personal Skills Hypnosis Scripts

How to Ask for Help

Avoid Mood Contagion

Awakening Intuition

Be Less Materialistic

More Actively Involved

Develop Your Powers of Observation

More Patience

More Playfulness

Increase Your Tolerance

Best Man’s Speech

Personal Courage

Increase Optimism

Be Tougher

Stay Motivated

Stop Running from Problems

Increase Emotional Flexibility

Grateful For What You Have

Be More Aware of Your Surroundings

Increase your Luck

Strong Inside

Keep a Cool Head

Keep Secrets

Know Thyself!

Act on Your Knowledge

Masculine Man

Train Negotiation

80% is good enough

Groom Yourself

Keeping a Poker Face

Optimistic Attitude

Hypnotic Anchoring

Resist Temptation

Saying Farewell

See the Best in Others

Stop Being a Sore Loser

Don’t Be A Nitpicker

Don’t Take Offense

Be More Responsible

Care Less – Other Peoples’ Thoughts


Pregnancy and Childbirth Hypnosis Scripts

Breastfeeding Relaxation

Give Birth Naturally

Dads – Prepare for Baby

Relax with the IVF Process

Losing a Baby

Overcome Fear of Giving Birth

Fear Of Pregnancy

Getting Pregnant

Fertility Hypnosis

Your Beautiful Pregnant Body

Pregnancy Sickness

Positive Pregnancy

Love Your Post Baby Body

Postnatal Depression

Pregnancy After Miscarriage

Caesarean Preparation

Hypnosis to Help with a Breech Baby

Quit Smoking Hypnosis Scripts

Stop Vaping

Smoking – Stay Quit

Relationship Help Hypnosis Scripts

Leaving Abusive Relationships

Receive Affection

Living with Alcoholic Husband

Aspergers Husband

Aspergers in Women

Express Your Love

More Romance

Being Adopted

Get Over Being Ghosted

Stop Blaming Others

Choose Mr Right

Codependent Relationship

Help for Parental Alienation

Long-Term Single Dating Confidence

Create More Meaningful Relationships

Communicate with Different Political Views

Believe You Can Find Love

Emotional Intimacy

Put An End To The Affair

Finish Relationship

Ending a Friendship

Estranged from Your Children

Family Argument

Enjoy Family Gatherings

Being Abandoned

Relationship Commitment

Overcome Fear of Falling in Love

Overcome Fear of Rejection

Feel More Attractive

Find Your Soulmate

How to Forgive Your Parents

Getting Over Somone

Get Over That Relationship

Divorce Recovery

Give Your Partner Space

Be More Independent

Reduce Relationship Insecurity

Partner is Jealous

Love Again

Love His/Her Faults

Recover from Narcissistic Abuse

Singles Skills

Cure Jealousy

Addicted to Love

Rejection Sensitivity

Sexual Jealousy

Elderly Parents

Brighten Up Relationships

Mother Relationship

Marriage Survival Skills

On the Fence About Your Relationship?

Brothers and Sisters

Divorce – Don’t Be Bitter

Avoid Adultery

Stop Dating Ms. Wrong

Mind Reading in Relationships

Stop Pushing People Away

Stop Idolizing People

Approval Seeking

Obsessive Snopping on your Partner

Get Over Someone

Don’t Try so Hard in Relationships

Stop Shouting

Overcome Infidelity

Learn to Trust Again

Chasing Attached Men

Overcome Unavailable Women Addiction

Obsessive Love

Relaxation Techniques Hypnosis Scripts

Quick Snooze

20-Minute Power Nap

7-11 Breathing

A Healthy Rest

A Warm Place

Go Deeper Into Hypnosis

Beach Holiday

Relax Your Body