10 Ways to Create A Healthy Belief System
A belief system that serves us well, is a belief
unlimited abundance, a deserving and humble nature and room to understand that, which serves the common good. Consider these suggestions for creating a healthy belief system that serves you:
10 Ways to Create A Healthy Belief System
1. Start by allowing abundance into your life: There are no limits except for those we impose on ourselves. Believing you cannot have what you want in your life, is a self-destructive and disparaging idea that you create yourself.
2. Use the words “unlimited possibilities”: This is your mantra. I have, I desire, I believe in….”unlimited possibilities”. Abundance is a long lasting, enduring enjoyment of life. It is being in love with living.
3. Understand that you are deserving: No, it is not your “karma”, not your “lot in life”, not “what you deserve”… we are ALL deserving. You deserve all that the Universe is able to give, and these are “endless possibilities”.
4. Improve your self esteem: We can all seek to improve ourselves. It is time you became committed to truly loving and appreciating yourself and who you are. Take a minute to look at your individualism. Honor who you are. Honor what it took to get you there. Chest up and get moving!
5. Improve feelings of self-hate arising out of guilt: Is it possible that your guilty feelings are excessive, your self-hate is an overreaction? Yes. Look back at the cause of this belief. Who are you really punishing here? Re-evaluate your situation. Stop the self punishment and forgive yourself….and others. It serves only to wear you down.
6. Look at your negative beliefs: What is standing in your way? Is it issues around love, money, health. Take a look at these issues on an individual basis. Remove the question from the situation. Does it really have value? What is the true connection between you and this belief?
7. Are you general happy?: If so, make a list of 10 things that bring you happiness! If you believe you are not, make a list of 5 thinks that do not. Evaluate these 5 items of unhappiness. Each has a solution that you are going to solve!
8. Perhaps there is a current belief that no longer serves you: have the courage and the strength to seek the truth. Allow yourself to let go of an old, hurtful or useless idea or concept that does you no good. Allow yourself. Let it go.
9. Search for meaning by reading and reflection: The search itself will help restore a degree of sense and purpose to existence.
10. Some important values: about your belief system include giving, sharing, accepting compliments and recognizing new beginnings.
About the Author
Connect with Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac at
Therapies for healing, body, spirit
How To Change Your Belief System
The society that we are living in is in large part a collective agreement or a collective belief system. We believe that things are the way that they are and thus give power to those beliefs and then they become real and true for our lives. In this video I give examples such as how we view farm workers and Harvard professors.
We collectively give more value to the Harvard professors and they get paid more money. I also talk about the actual value of money and how it’s now become just paper or numbers on a screen.
There is no longer anything of value backing up our dollar except for our beliefs that it has value. And our beliefs, thoughts, and belief systems are real. They are as real as anything else. I also talk about the belief systems that we hold about ourselves.
Many of us have negative belief systems about ourselves. A good way to get in touch with the beliefs that we hold about ourselves is to become conscious and aware of our thought processes. Having negative thoughts about ourselves is an indicator telling us that we have negative beliefs about ourselves.
And these beliefs are dictating how we are viewing and thinking about ourselves and about the world. In order to become our best selves we need to become conscious of our thoughts and of our belief systems. Then we need to uproot the negative belief systems and implant more positive belief systems that are going to serve ourselves and that are going to serve our lives.
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